Friday, April 30, 2010


80 loaves of bread
5 kg of corn meal
5 wors
5 kg of chicken
8 rolls of polony
100 bananas
22 kg of potatoes

Just a fraction of the food prepared at camp. Over the past week I've been at Kuyasa's Leadership Camp. It is a camp for all of Kuyasa's student leaders in all of the different programs and ministries. There were about 50 people total, including leaders and speakers. It was an intense few days full of seminars addressing everything from the Trinity to dating and forgiveness to spiritual warfare.

I went along to help out where needed which mostly involved cooking for these 50 people, of which about 25 included growing teenage boys. It was no small task!

I spend most of my time with the little ones and it was refreshing and fun to spend uninterrupted time with the teenagers. When I didn't think I could love this place any more, my heart is overflowing for these kids! I grew in my understanding of the struggles they face everyday, especially since many of them are first generation Christians and must deal with the ancestral worship and witch doctor practices of their parents and family. Many live with integrity in a culture were sex and drugs run rampant. I am incredibly impressed and proud of these kids in so many ways.

One of the biggest things that stuck out to me was their servant hearts. Despite being exhausted from all the thinking and discussions everyday and the blatant attacks from Satan, they were eager to help out in the kitchen. They joyously did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. I'm by no means a neat and tidy cook but they worshiped and danced while cleaning up...even when cleaning out the pap pot (not a pleasant task!). There were never any complaints. They wouldn't let me wash one fork, let alone do any of the real dishes. All they wanted me to do was sing and dance with them and, so, that's what I did. My expectations for them were way to low. I was expecting whining and a feeling of forced labor but I should have known better.

My kids know how to give. They know what it means to be servants. They are modeling the very essence of Jesus. They love, pray, worship and serve from the very core of their hearts.

Philippians 2:5-8 is a passage that, for me, sums up who Jesus is and who we must strive to be
You attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!

Jesus is a humble obedient servant. He would have willingly cleaned the pap pot.

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